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Staff update – September 2020

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Staff update – September 2020

Posted 30th September 2020

I am writing to you again today as we have now been in the unprecedented situation relating to COVID 19 for several months.

This has been a challenging time for everyone and I would like to firstly thank you for your continued commitment to Fair Deal and to helping us ensure the people we support receive the support they need during this difficult time.

As you will be aware from the regular information blogs and emails we have strived to deliver as much support as we can to people, within guidelines throughout the pandemic. This is something as an organisation we are committed to continuing and want to do this safely and with the wellbeing of both our staff and people we support in mind.

You will also be aware that restrictions have changed across Scotland. At present there are no restrictions that require us to make any changes to our current level of support delivery however if this changes I will let you know at the earliest opportunity.

What is crucial however is that we all continue to follow all the latest guidance from both the Scottish Government and the NHS in relation to COVID 19 to keep ourselves and each other safe.

Please ensure you are up to date with all the latest guidance which can be found at the links below.

I would also ask that anyone with underlying health conditions or newly diagnosed health issues discuss this with your line manager confidentially as soon as possible if you have not already done so. If you prefer not to disclose specific information, we can make a referral to our occupational health provider for discussion and assessment, but I would ask that you get in touch with your line manager to arrange this. There is information in the links below in relation to underlying health conditions. It is important we that we risk-assess work-related activities for anyone with underlying health issues so please do get in touch to discuss as soon as possible.

Please visit the links below for more information or get in touch with your line manager to discuss.

Information re.

Health Conditions:

Test and Trace App:

Wellbeing information for social care staff in Scotland:

General COVID 19 advice and guidance:

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25 for 25 Fundraising campaign is still underway, and we need your support