Job Vacancies
We have a number of vacancies for Support Worker posts. Adverts and job descriptions can be found at the bottom of the page. Please see our list of current vacancies below:
Our staff deliver one-to-one support and day opportunities in our local community. No formal qualifications are required for bank support worker role. The hourly rate for all support work posts is £10.02 (pay award pending). The sleepover rate is also £10.02 per hour (pay award pending). In all roles you may be required to work a variety of shifts including day/evening/sleepover and weekends.
We are committed to working in partnership with people who use our services and, their families and carers, to help each person with a learning disability plan and organise the support they need and want. We recruit people with the right values and expect them to empower the people we support to make their own choices and decisions as much as possible in all aspects of their life. We include people who get support in recruiting the organisation‘s staff and regularly ask people about how their support is working out for them.
If applying please download our online application form above and email or post to us. Also you can call the Fairdeal office for an application pack 0141 634 4996