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Scott Green

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25 for 25 Fundraising campaign is still underway, and we need your support


Scott Green

Posted 20th June 2017

Scott has been employed by Fair Deal as a development worker since 2010. He works closely with small groups of adults on a variety of gardening projects, helping them develop new skills and knowledge as they carry out tasks within the garden areas. Since February 2016, Scott has also secured a part time Co trainer post on the Help Yourself Grow project. His role is to work closely with the horticulture trainers and HYG Team Leader  to support the trainees  to achieve the Caley accredited  Grow and Learn award, which Scott himself gained in 2014. Scott spends much of his time at the Training Garden which is based next to the Jeely Piece Club, as he also has responsibilities for the garden’s maintenance. 

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25 for 25 Fundraising campaign is still underway, and we need your support