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Health and Safety Briefing – August 2020

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Health and Safety Briefing – August 2020

Posted 25th August 2020

Health and Safety Briefing August 2020


Below is a reminder of the previously issued guidance on use of Personal Protective Equipment within services. There is also a video link giving guidance on donning and doffing PPE please ensure you watch this and are familiar with the correct processes.

Table of guidance for use of PPE in Social Care settings: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/878750/T2_poster_Recommended_PPE_for_primary__outpatient__community_and_social_care_by_setting.pdf

PHE video on donning and doffing PPE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GncQ_ed-9w

Hand Hygiene:

Please see tables 1 and 2 in the link below giving guidance on hand washing/hand rub. Hand and respiratory hygiene are as important now as ever and must be strictly adhered to prevent the spread of infection. https://www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/a-to-z-of-topics/hand-hygiene/

IMPORTANT: When using alcohol-based sanitiser/gel you MUST ensure your hands are dry before touching any items. There have been incidents of severe hand burns occurring in some settings across the UK due to static electricity and alcohol-based substance coming in contact. Ensure hands and items with alcohol gel/sanitiser are dry before touching anything.

NHS Test and Trace/Self isolation:

Please see below updated guidance on NHS test and trace scheme. It is imperative that if you are contact traced and informed you have been in contact with a COVID19 case that you immediately inform your line manager or duty manager. You should not attend work until you have discussed this with your manager and you must follow the current guidance which may require you to self-isolate and advise that you take a test.

Below you will also find guidance on what to do if you or someone you live with experience symptoms. https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19

Mental Health and Wellbeing:

The link below also provides lots of useful resources relating to stress and wellbeing which you may find useful during this time. https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19

In addition, the Scottish Government have set up a wellbeing hub for social care staff which also provides a lot of useful resources, link below: https://www.promis.scot/

New Activities

As we move into new phases of lockdown it is inevitable that the people we support will be doing more activities. Can I remind all staff that any new activity requires to be risk assessed and discussed so please talk to your team leader about any new activities. We want to keep things simple and ensure everyone can enjoy a full and active life so please discuss at your earliest opportunity and we can work with the people we support to expand on their existing opportunities.

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