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Fair Deal is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to achieving and promoting equal treatment for all, irrespective of gender (including gender reassignment), age, marital status, disability, racial grounds (race, colour, nationality – including citizenship - ethnic or national origin), sexual orientation, religious belief, responsibility for dependants or employment status.

Fair Deal is committed to achieving equality of opportunity in all employment practices and in all provision of service. Therefore, this policy applies to all present and prospective employees of Fair Deal, regardless of their employment status.

Fair Deal is opposed to all forms of discrimination, and will comply fully with the provisions of the key Equal Opportunities legislation and the recommendations of Associated Codes of Practice. Fair Deal also seeks to reflect good practice guidelines in all areas of discrimination.

Fair Deal recognises that promoting equal opportunities is an ongoing commitment and therefore this policy and all systems and procedures associated with this policy will be subject to monitoring and review.

Fair Deal is committed to developing a programme of action to promote diversity and equality, and will seek to monitor and review achievements in this area and to make this information freely available.

It is recognised that responsibility for ensuring the full implementation and monitoring of the equal opportunities policy and procedure lies with Fair Deal as an employer. It is the responsibility of all employees and members of the Board to contribute to the continuing success of this policy by ensuring that discrimination does not occur and that equal opportunities are actively promoted.

This equal opportunities policy is supported by a set of equal opportunities practices and procedures.